Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gram & Papa

After we got back from Disneyland, Grammy and Papa flew out to visit. This was the first time my dad had been out since we purchased the house. So naturally, we worked my poor parents to the bone!! My mom had to help paint and decorate the basement, the living room, our upstairs bathroom, and master bedroom (haha...can you still call it a "master bedroom" if it's the size of a cracker jack box?). Papa got to fix lights, remove fans, replace chandeliers, and tear down and rebuild an entire custom shelving unit/wall using a pumpkin carver! Okay, not really a pumpkin carver, but we don't really own any tools so he might have had better luck using a halloween knife as opposed to the stuff we had.

We did, on occasion, let them out of the house. We enjoyed a day trip to Ocean City, MD and drove around to see the wild ponies on Assateague Island. We also enjoyed spending the 4th of July at the lil Fairfax parade. We watched the fireworks over the nations capital while sitting at the Air Force Memorial. We ate ice cream and had a great time!

Here are the girls, all tired out, after a long day of body surfing!

Look at my mom, sitting on the ground, getting sopping wet in all her clothes! I hope I'm a cool grandma like she is. I doubt I will be because I'm not even that cool as a mom...but here's to hoping!
And here's my mom getting KILLED by a wave that caught her off guard! SOOO AWESOME! I have a ton of pictures of her trying to get up and climb out of the water...but I'm saving those to use as ransom so I can't share them here. But let me just say...they. are. awesome.
Once she did finally make it out of the water she was messing with my dad and kissing him on the cheek while she was all wet. Doesn't Papa look thrilled!

Practicing holding their breaths for the waves that are bound to come.

This is a Papa and Jayda tradition. Their favorite thing to do at Knotts Berry Farm is ride the Ferris of course they had to do it in Ocean City, too!

Lounging around waiting for the fireworks!j

What an awesome summer!!!!!

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