Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!

What a fun holiday! We had such a great time dressing up our little lady bug and spending time with friends trick-or-treating. My mom (Jayda's Grammy) is in town and it was sooo wonderful to have her share that fun event! It was so sweet to see Jayda hold Abby's (her bestest little buddy) hand the ENTIRE evening walking around getting candy. I asked her the following morning what her favorite part about Halloween was and she answered "I got to walk in the street by myself and you didn't even get mad at me!" Wow...who knew something so small would be so significant to her little mind. I think I may give her the entire bag of Halloween candy and let her eat whatever she wants tomorrow so we can just be done with it. If I hear one more time about that candy bag I'll go off the deep end. I think it may be best to have one day of candy overload than weeks of whines about her precious spoils!

Looking back at this past Friday night and the way I spent my Halloween holiday I realize how truly blessed I am to have my little family. All of the costumes and Halloween parties in my youth don't compare to the special time I get to have now re-living experiences through her eyes!